Captain Scarlet and the Colour Revolutions

What follows probably sounds bizarre, but I have been considering this for a long time since the idea first struck me, and I am increasingly convinced that it is true…

Certain ‘interested parties’ must consider TV to be a gift from the gods. People become addicted to watching some of the most banal and contemptible televisual fodder and will actually complain and suffer withdrawal symptoms if it is taken away (think: “soap operas”, “reality TV”). This means, in fact, that their minds are already entrained to accept a lot of useless mind-control, and of course, those most susceptible to such programming are not just adults with marshmallows or cottage cheese for brains – there are also children to consider.

A child’s mind is much more open to suggestion and influence than that of a (hopefully educated) adult [4], because boundaries between reality and fantasy, fact and fiction, the possible and the impossible have yet to be introduced to them; likewise, compared to an adult with any experience of the world, the actual breadth of knowledge of a child is normally rather limited, at least excepting those cases where the parental influence includes extensive travel. This means that children are more likely to be imaginative in their thinking due to a lack of restrictions, but the corollary of this is that much of what they receive can (when inculcated by the wrong sources) be thoroughly incorrect, but in the absence of any meaningful reality checking (and in the presence of the deliberate filtration of contrary facts) it is impossible for them to know this. One point which seems to tie in well with this is that in the discussion of cults, one theme which crops up constantly is the separation from (or disownment of) past relationships on the part of the neophyte [5], as such influences as family and friends would necessarily lead to the kind of ‘reality checking’ which would scupper the cult leaders’ intentions.

In my own case, this seems to have backfired somewhat, in the sense that the result has been to make me more critical of what I am seeing and to ask myself if any parts of what I see before me are linked in any way. And here is an interesting parallel which, I think now, should have occurred to me much earlier – but it took time to understand and connect the various snippets into a bizarre patchwork. But it seems to be true; see what you think.

As a child, I was a big fan of popular scifi shows – Star Trek, Lost in Space, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Doctor Who (I absolutely adored Jon Pertwee, how nice to have a benevolent alien who travelled through time and space trying to put right everything that was wrong in the universe! And affecting the garb of an Edwardian English gentleman, too), and so on… but the indisputable king of kids’ scifi in the UK was the late Gerry Anderson with his mainly puppet characters – Fireball XL5, Thunderbirds, Stingray, Joe 90 and UFO, to name but a few. And nowadays I look back on these in a somewhat strange light, because they seem to reflect ideas which would later crop up in the conspiracy/alien context.

UFO is rather too obvious in this regard, and it is the slightly earlier Captain Scarlet [1] which piques my interest here. In this story, an exploratory expedition to Mars results in the destruction of the base of the Mysterons, an alien race who actually have the power of ‘retro-metabolism’ (i.e. they have a beam ray with which they can recreate any object which is destroyed). On board the Earth ship is a representative of Earth defence forces, Captain Black of Spectrum (which now turns out to be an interesting name). While the Mysterons narrate their recreation of their destroyed complex and inform the astronauts of their intentions to destroy Earth, Captain Black is visibly taken over by them and in future episodes acts as their ‘agent’ in their fight against Spectrum. It goes without saying that he is a perfect tool for this as he is one of Spectrum’s highest-ranking and most trusted insiders:

(Unfortunately Google won’t let you watch it, but trust me, it’s there… try Dailymotion for a crap, speeded-up version…)

As one might predict from the name, ‘Spectrum’ has a range of ‘agents’ similar to Captain Black, but different ‘colours’. It was at this point that I started recently to ask myself whether there was any significance to this, but we will return to it later. In the meantime, the protagonist, Captain Scarlet, is likewise assassinated by the Mysterons (driving to his destination in a Spectrum car with Captain Brown) and re-created by them, but due to a strange combination of circumstances in the first episode, as a result of a botched attempt to capture the World President (gotta be a hint!), acquires the ability to self-repair, and is therefore deemed ‘indestructible’ (hence the theme song).

‘World President’… what’s that all about? Here is where we come to the heart of the matter. In Anderson’s plots, there is usually some kind of global authority – in Joe 90, for example, there is a ‘World Intelligence Network (WIN)’ with an agent called ‘Uncle Sam’ by little Joe (any old Microsoft users recall why they had to type ‘WIN’ after booting Winblows 3.1?). Likewise, in Captain Scarlet, we have the ‘World Government’ (headed by the predictably white, male ‘World President’… wonder who voted for him?) and Spectrum’s brief is essentially to protect Earth (including the ‘WP’) from attack by the Mysterons. But as our own recent experience shows, most often the real (would-be) ‘World Government’ is intent upon blasting opponents ‘back into the stone age’ (their own words), and the ‘opponents’ are, more often than not, smaller states against whose sovereign rights the egregious, would-be ‘World Government’ is constantly engaging in a bid to take over their governments and make them obedient slaves, all the better to suck the financial and material resources out of their nation.

This is what Captain Scarlet is really all about – and curiously enough, it has a whole ‘spectrum’ of ‘colour agents’ to engage the ‘enemy’. But let’s take a step back and look at this again: we have a would-be world power with an agency whose active participants have colours (and their leader is Colonel White, for goodness sake), all fighting against an enemy whose principal agent on our own planet is Captain Black, and the actual targets of Mysteron aggression are, usually, of an economic or military nature.

And now we are starting to understand, perhaps, where Anderson was coming from: resisting a dark intruder from another planet (the ‘third world’) with whom they are competing for resources, and resisting them with ‘colour agents’… but who uses colour agents??? Let’s take a look…

The term ‘Colour Revolutions’ has been used to describe pseudo-revolutions used to take over sovereign states from the inside, using mainly representatives of their own people, for the benefit mainly of foreign banks and businesses [2]. Usually there is some kind of grievance relating to the election (or re-election) of a national leader, disruption occurs throughout the country and one or more attempts are made to replace the elected leader with one who is favoured by some outside interest which intends to control and impoverish the country. However, these ‘revolutions’ or mob uprisings are not always known by a colour (for example, the so-called ‘Arab Spring’, which led to the downfall of Muammar Quaddaffi, among others). They are all means by which Western capitalists seek to subdue and parasitise other nations. If you want to see how ‘successful’ these escapades are, look at the present conditions in countries like Libya and Ukraine.

The West uses many of these ‘agents’ against what they seem to portray as a nebulous, amorphous and indistinct dark grouping of opponents. But those opponents, in the real world, are the native inhabitants of the nations they (primarily the Western bankers) intend to subdue, and the ‘amorphous’ way in which they are portrayed is a deliberate attempt to present a range of people with diverse interests and concerns as a single ‘enemy’ which must be ‘conquered’, when we really need to just leave them the fuck alone. It has the satisfying effect of both demonising the opposition and making their actual identities indistinct.

The truth about Captain Scarlet, then, is that the unseen alien menace with its revenant agents actually represents the resistance by indigenous peoples to the machinations, economic parasitism and abuse of the Western powers, who themselves are little more than puppets of the major banks. This ‘unseen’ aspect of the Mysterons actually reflects the nebulous portrayal of native peoples in Western (or more accurately, perhaps, ‘Westernised’) media, who more often than not, even in Anderson’s time, were typically mentioned as ‘conservatives’ or something similar – resisting what was represented as the inevitable ‘progress’ of the militarised, industrialised West which, in its contemptible narcissism, sought to overturn any legitimate existing authority in the target nations in the name of profit. All of this alongside the much more blatant violations of sovereignty we have seen in places like Iraq and Syria, and older involvements by government agencies (for a masterful and at least partly-amusing piece of double-speak relating the history of such events in the twentieth century, I recommend the Sky documentary “Secrets of the CIA” [3]).

One would suggest that there is not, and nor should there be, a single overarching ‘authority’ for anything in this world, as not only does authoritarianism attract a most obnoxious subsection of the human population, it also stifles both practical and intellectual choice; the so-called ‘United Nations’, for example, which likes to portray itself as a beneficial organisation for all nations, is in fact a bankers’ front. Why would nations need a ‘World Bank’ when they have wealth and banks of their own? And would a so-called ‘World Health Organisation’ be there to assist with cures and technologies, or instead be the narrow end of a wedge to sell Western medical products at high prices to less affluent countries? As an example (but only one among many I could point out), the WHO has several times tried to talk up the possibility of a ‘’flu epidemic’ so that nations will spend billions on pharmaceutical products whose benefits are dubious at best, only to have the predicted ‘epidemic’ fail to arrive [6] … it was a cathartic experience to sit back and read reports of people ‘voting with their feet’ and not bothering to get themselves vaccinated unnecessarily.

However, the bottom line is that the series of ‘Colour Revolutions’ themselves seem to have been predicted, in a somewhat cryptic form, in the late 1960s by a hero of popular televisual British sci-fi. I will return to this theme shortly, as it seems clear that Anderson was encoding messages not only in this series, but in others also.




[4] … or, as the late George Carlin liked to say: “…, many of us partially educated…”

[5] See, for example, for a brief discussion of cult recruitment. Although the separation here is not mentioned, it would constitute part of the ‘old versus new’ bipolarity.


2 Responses to “Captain Scarlet and the Colour Revolutions”

  1. Andrew Says:
    January 20th, 2017 at 5:26 pm

    And just in case you think I was wide of the mark…

  2. Andrew Says:
    January 21st, 2017 at 10:58 pm


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